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La nave espacial de un pequeño extraterrestre del planeta Melmac se estrella contra la Tierra. Los Tanner, una típica familia norteamericana, lo acogen en su casa y lo ocultan no sólo a las autoridades, sino también a los vecinos, amigos y parientes, porque creen que de lo contrario la vida del simpático alienígena (al que llaman Alf) correría peligro. Muy pronto Alf se convierte en uno más de la familia, pero también creará problemas de convivencia, pues es un ser comodón y poco educado que sólo piensa en comer y en ver la tele.

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  • 23 Min.
  • TMDB
  • Compañías de producciones


    Andrea Elson isLynn Tanner
    Lynn Tanner
    Anne Schedeen isKate Tanner
    Kate Tanner
    Paul Fusco isALF (voice)
    ALF (voice)
    Benji Gregory isBrian Tanner
    Brian Tanner
    Max Wright isWillie Tanner
    Willie Tanner
    Francis X. McCarthy isAlien Task Force Officer Darnell Valentine
    Alien Task Force Officer Darnell Valentine
    Liz Sheridan isRaquel Ochmonek
    Raquel Ochmonek
    John LaMotta isTrevor Ochmonek
    Trevor Ochmonek
    Larry Hankin isAndrew Seminick
    Andrew Seminick
    Lisle Wilson isPolice Officer
    Police Officer
    Mark Levine isPizza Delivery Man
    Pizza Delivery Man
    Darwin Joston isDog-Pound Attendant
    Dog-Pound Attendant
    Alan David Gelman isDelivery Man
    Delivery Man
    Tim Rossovich isInstructor
    Joe Namath isJoe Namath
    Joe Namath
    Susan Lavine isSkydiver
    Brad Thornton isSkydiver Collins
    Skydiver Collins
    Robert Costanzo isTow truck driver Bert
    Tow truck driver Bert
    Anne Meara isDorothy Halligan
    Dorothy Halligan
    Stephen Seigel isJack Rabbit Courier
    Jack Rabbit Courier
    Liz Sheridan isRaquel Ochmonek (archive footage)
    Raquel Ochmonek (archive footage)
    John LaMotta isTrevor Ochmonek (archive footage)
    Trevor Ochmonek (archive footage)
    Mickey Jones isArtie (archive footage)
    Artie (archive footage)
    Sam Whipple isSam (archive footage)
    Sam (archive footage)
    Alan David Gelman isDelivery Man (archive footage)
    Delivery Man (archive footage)
    Andrea Covell isJody (archive footage)
    Jody (archive footage)
    Francis X. McCarthy isAlien Task Force Officer Darnell Valentine (archive footage)
    Alien Task Force Officer Darnell Valentine (archive footage)
    Anne Meara isDorothy Halligan (archive footage)
    Dorothy Halligan (archive footage)
    John LaMotta isTrevor Ochmonek (credit only)
    Trevor Ochmonek (credit only)
    Mickey Jones isArtie (credit only)
    Artie (credit only)
    Sam Whipple isSam (credit only)
    Sam (credit only)
    Alan David Gelman isDelivery Man (credit only)
    Delivery Man (credit only)
    Liz Sheridan isRaquel Ochmonek (credit only)
    Raquel Ochmonek (credit only)
    Earl Boen isWarren
    Diane Cary isMs. Wine
    Ms. Wine
    Philip Gordon isLuis Mancia
    Luis Mancia
    Bill Daily isDr. Lawrence 'Larry' Dykstra
    Dr. Lawrence 'Larry' Dykstra
    Marcia Wallace isMrs. Lyman
    Mrs. Lyman
    David Leisure isBrandon Tartikoff
    Brandon Tartikoff
    Bob Larkin isCustomer at garage sale
    Customer at garage sale
    Pamela McMyler isCustomer at garage sale
    Customer at garage sale
    Phil Rubenstein isCustomer at garage sale
    Customer at garage sale
    Lee Ryan isCarl Buck
    Carl Buck
    Garry Goodrow isConsumer Ed
    Consumer Ed
    Douglas Warhit isExterminator
    Archie Hahn isBill Loman
    Bill Loman
    Bob Denver isGilligan
    Russell Johnson isProfessor Roy Hinkley
    Professor Roy Hinkley
    Dawn Wells isMary Ann Summers
    Mary Ann Summers
    Alan Hale Jr. isSkipper Jonas Grumby
    Skipper Jonas Grumby
    Raye Birk isLenny Scott
    Lenny Scott
    John Miranda isBrother Ed
    Brother Ed
    Al Fann isWorkman
    Nan McNamara isSecretary to Brandon Tartikoff
    Secretary to Brandon Tartikoff
    Nedra Volz isCat Woman
    Cat Woman
    Lewis Arquette isEd Billings
    Ed Billings
    Richard Roat isWalter Burke
    Walter Burke
    Linda Hoy isBernice Billings
    Bernice Billings
    Melanie Noble isFelicia Burke
    Felicia Burke
    Suzanne Hunt isMiss Bartley
    Miss Bartley
    Tracey Walter isGravel Gus
    Gravel Gus
    Lou Felder isSenator Gil Hossenfeffer
    Senator Gil Hossenfeffer
    Brian Stokes Mitchell isCongressman Nathan Peal
    Congressman Nathan Peal
    Cleavon Little isGeorge Foley
    George Foley
    James Brown III isLittle Boy
    Little Boy
    Josh Blake isJake Ochmonek
    Jake Ochmonek
    Elisha Cook Jr. isUncle Albert
    Uncle Albert
    Hal Havins isOfficer Gaffney
    Officer Gaffney
    Raye Birk isOfficer Griswald
    Officer Griswald
    Anne Ramsey isEthel Buttonwood
    Ethel Buttonwood
    Martin Doyle isMr. Duncan
    Mr. Duncan
    Joe Colligan isAlexander
    Fred Goss isDelivery Man
    Delivery Man
    Dorothy Lyman isMaura Norris
    Maura Norris
    Ricky Paull Goldin isDanny Duckworth
    Danny Duckworth
    Joseph Maher isAngel Bob
    Angel Bob
    Joyce Brothers isDr. Joyce Brothers
    Dr. Joyce Brothers
    Teresa Ganzel isThe Matinee Lady (credit only)
    The Matinee Lady (credit only)
    Rich Little isHimself (credit only)
    Himself (credit only)
    Tim Wade isThe Stage Manager
    The Stage Manager
    Linda Hoy isBernice Billings (credit only)
    Bernice Billings (credit only)
    Nedra Volz isCat Woman (archive footage)
    Cat Woman (archive footage)
    Tracey Walter isGravel Gus (credit only)
    Gravel Gus (credit only)
    Eugene Greytak isPope John Paul II
    Pope John Paul II
    Ed McMahon isHimself
    Tim Wade isThe Stage Manager (credit only)
    The Stage Manager (credit only)
    Michael Berryman isRick (archive footage)
    Rick (archive footage)
    Linda Hoy isBernice Billings (archive footage)
    Bernice Billings (archive footage)
    Nedra Volz isCat Woman (credit only)
    Cat Woman (credit only)
    Tracey Walter isGravel Gus (archive footage)
    Gravel Gus (archive footage)
    Lewis Arquette isEd Billings (archive footage)
    Ed Billings (archive footage)
    Elisha Cook Jr. isUncle Albert (archive footage)
    Uncle Albert (archive footage)
    Michael Champion isSgt. Matt Fox
    Sgt. Matt Fox
    Robert P. Lieb isUncle Rocky
    Uncle Rocky
    Wendy Oates isStephanie Taylor
    Stephanie Taylor
    Kathleen Freeman isBetty Susla
    Betty Susla
    Todd Susman isJim
    Jim "Jimbo" Hutchinson
    Tony Lober isThe Intruder
    The Intruder
    Tom La Grua isMarshall
    Pete Willcox isAaron King
    Aaron King
    Nancy Lenehan isLaverne Litwak
    Laverne Litwak
    Peter Iacangelo isLee Frasier
    Lee Frasier
    David Wohl isTV Shrink
    TV Shrink
    Randee Heller isElaine Ochmonek
    Elaine Ochmonek
    Bruno Alexander isSabato Springs Man
    Sabato Springs Man
    Melissa Francis isMiss Williams
    Miss Williams
    Judith Marie-Bergan isMarilyn Geiser
    Marilyn Geiser
    Aaron Lustig isWillie #2
    Willie #2
    Jim J. Bullock isNeal Tanner
    Neal Tanner
    Steve Sweeney isAirline Worker
    Airline Worker
    Fran Bennett isMrs. Watson
    Mrs. Watson
    Alex Henteloff isMr. Rasmussen
    Mr. Rasmussen
    Ted Raimi isJulius
    Dean Cameron isRobert Sherwood
    Robert Sherwood
    Joseph V. Perry isMr. Polniakoff
    Mr. Polniakoff
    John Pinette isHowie Anderson
    Howie Anderson
    David Spade isLarry Siotkin
    Larry Siotkin
    Carl Carlsson isRudolph the Plate Spinner
    Rudolph the Plate Spinner
    Kip Gilman isLlyod Ruben
    Llyod Ruben
    Frances Bay isLouise Beaumont
    Louise Beaumont
    Dan Castellaneta isSteve Michaels
    Steve Michaels
    Richard Fancy isColonel Halsey
    Colonel Halsey
    Larry Poindexter isSergeant Armstrong
    Sergeant Armstrong
    Doug Ballard isLieutenant Alden
    Lieutenant Alden
    Hay otros ocultos

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